The mod developer solicited contributions from a ton of Boston-based bands, including recent Boston Music Awards winners Petty Morals, and App Launch Party openers Goddamn Draculas. Castle Key Games, in an attempt to break through the monotony of the Fallout 4 soundtrack, created a mod to the Pip-Boy's radio that replaces the usual 40's/50's-era music with a ton of modern rock, naming it Jetfuel Radio. Actual reaction from Adam since he won't stop fucking playing Fallout 4

Oh, what's this? Some hero created a mod that takes the lovely, but ever-so-tiring classic radio music and replaces it with more modern sounds? WHAT? Some of those bands are from RIGHT HERE in Boston, where Fallout 4 is based? NICE." Radio New Vegas uses stereo mp3s however, I have yet to have any success using mp3s myself. Wave Radio also has a presence in the wasteland. Wave Radio is hosted by Blake, a custom voiced DJ who will play you over 50 tracks of the best music from the 30s, 40s and 50s. What's that, you say? I have to go to work and will soon be fired 'cuz I haven't been there in 9 days? BOOOOOOOO. A 100 original radio station to enhance your wasteland experience. I have glued myself to this couch, I have OTTO pizza scheduled to be delivered every 6 hours, I have 4 cases of Gatorade, and I have a pee bottle.